A healthcare professional has to find ways of handling different situations which enables him/her to continue providing healthcare. The patient who feels that the healthcare professional has been professional and able to gather sufficient information has an active participation during the consultation. For example, making a wise decision and speaking confidently will give a good impression on the patient and the family members who are present. It is also important for the healthcare professional to use the language that can be easily understood by the patient, rather than creating confusion and dissatisfaction to patient. Hence, professionalism can bring trust and …show more content…
confidence between the healthcare professional and the patient.
It is mentioned in code of ethics that, healthcare providers shall improve their expertise through professional behaviors.
They should achieve and maintain professional competence in taking responsibilities for their professional development based on critical self-assessment and reflections especially on current changes of practices, education, healthcare delivery, and technology. They should evaluate applicability of updated evidence-based practices in pre, during, and post-practice. They should promote lifelong learning and professional development. In professional ethical practice, healthcare providers should endorse organizational behaviors that benefits patients and society.(Code of Ethics,
Integrity is a concept that includes consistency in actions, expectations, measures, methods, outcomes, principles, and values. Integrity means our actions are honest and trustworthy. Integrity is seen as the reason behind an individual acting as they do, not the actual act itself, and personal integrity is often seen as the core value for delivering healthcare.
In order to practice with integrity, a person must know themselves and know others. It is important for a practitioner to be honest and trustworthy; the patient must be able to trust the practitioner with everything. Being truthful and constant as a practitioner makes it easier for the patient to be open; whenever they have problems they can be able to talk to the practitioner with hopes that they will get the help they need. It is not the practitioner’s place to discuss the patient’s problem with other colleagues or to be judgmental in anyway.
While some patients thrive on having access to facts and figures, others prefer to rely on their healthcare provider’s knowledge and experience. Honesty is in fact a key element of healthcare; it is the practitioner’s duty to encourage an open dialogue between the patient, family members and healthcare team. Although the idea of truthfulness is often simpler that the practice of speaking the truth, I feel that it is right that healthcare providers should have open discussions with patients whatever their condition.