Appendix A: U.S Health Care Timeline
Use the following timeline or create a timeline of your own with eight major events, including the four provided below, from the last 50 years. You may change the dates in the box to match the dates of your events. Include the following in your timeline:
• Medicare and Medicaid • HIPAA of 1996 • State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) • Prospective Payment System (PPS)
|1950 |In the 1950’s most American’s received their health coverage through private insurance|
| |markets (usually through their jobs). Many people invested in insurance on their own |
| |in the individual market. Since coverage from private companies is the largest surge |
| |of insurance for American’s, it is likely to be a central part of federal and state |
| |health reform efforts. Private health coverage is for people to protect themselves |
| |from potential extreme financial costs of medical care such as an injury, severe |
| |illness etc. |
|1965 |Medicare and Medicaid were previously known as “Health Care Financing Administration |
| |(HCFA)”. In 1965, the Social Security Act established both Medicare and Medicaid. |
| |“Part of the Social Security Act; Medicare provides health insurance (including |
| |hospitalization) for elderly and patients with disabilities; Medicaid provides health |
| |care for the indigent” Chapter 2 of The United States