1. Core values
Respect for individuals, society and the environment is essential for sustainable business growth
Cherish a corporate culture that embraces diversity and a business approach that honours local laws and regulations
Beer is all about enjoyment
We sponsor music, sport, art and other commercial events because we think they are great ways for people to come together and enjoy themselves
Our business only works if we make great beer
We try to impose trends rather than passively accepting, and suffering, from them
Fifteen themes in a worldwide programme on social accountability including anti-corruption, child labour, employee representation, sexual harassment and non-discrimination; special programs on HIV/AIDS and responsible alcohol consumption
Innovative in finding the ways: We create excitement among consumers, customers and employees.
Ambitious when setting targets: We are daring when pushing for results
Responsible in our actions: We value strong relationships with consumers, customers, employees and partners.
Honest in our approach: We are proud of our company and trustworthy in what we do. 2. Core Purpose
As an international company, with operations in almost every country on the planet, Heinekens three core purposes are: quality, respect and enjoyment
Carlsberg wants to become market leader in all markets and market segments where it operates
3. BHAG´s Big Hairy, Audacious Goals
If a market is already in the hands of other brewers, we devote all our energy to developing a premium segment with Heineken beer, and if feasible, specialty beers.
Probably the best beer company in the world
Our brands will be the consumers' first choice, and we will lead the industry in