Some believe that “[parents] typically take too much responsibility for their children’s experiences and, specifically, their success or failures” (Bayless). Psychologists have begun to notice that their young clients “are coming to terms with what it was like to be raised by a helicopter parent, and how their ability to launch into adulthood may have been stunted” (Almendrala). Not only are the young adults beginning to see the side effects themselves, but they are not able to take responsivity for their own mistakes and actions, and blame everything onto their parents. This kind of behavior is very common when young adults of strict parents come to terms with something they have done wrong, “they don’t have to wait for their parents to change before they do” (Almendrala). Yet the young adults are not all to blame, they need to begin to change their ways so that they can break the …show more content…
Research may form people to one side or the other, but never will this issue be seen as right or wrong. There are too many people involved and too many parts to this puzzle to be able to make one decision. Helicopter parenting has become so controversial and such a concern to many parents or soon to be parents. When parents hear of the things they must protect their child from and all of the things their child must accomplish in their lifetime, this way of parenting looks like the best option to them; other will think that it is absurd to not let their child experience life to the fullest. Every child is unique in their own way and not every child will be able to conform to one specific type of parenting; this is another reason that this parenting style will remain controversial. To be or not to be, that is the question to ask when it comes to your child and their specific