Ernestine Wiedenbach
Was born on August 18, 1900, in Hamburg, Germany
Bachelor of Liberal Arts from Wellesley College
RN from Johns Hopkins School of Nursing
She died on March 8, 1996
Contributions to Nursing * She established the nurse-midwifery program at Yale University * Wiedenbach along with Virgina Henderson and Ida Orlando are known as the pioneers of nursing theory * She published books on topics including nursing communication, nursing theory, nursing philosophy and family- centered maternal nursing
Concepts and Definition
The Patient * Any individual who is receiving help of some kind, be it care, instruction or advice from a member of the health profession or from a worker in the field of health.
* Which the nurse wants to accomplish through what she does
* Knowledge encompasses all that has been perceived and grasped by the human mind. * Knowledge may be: * Factual * Speculative * Practical
* The nurse is functioning human being. * The nurse no only acts, but thinks and feels as well.
* Understanding patients need and concern * Application of knowledge and skill to bring about desired result
Nursing Skills * Nursing Skills are carried out to achieve a specific patient-centered purpose rather than completion of the skill itself being the end goal. * Skills are made up of a variety of actions, and characterized by harmony of movement, precision, and effective use of self.
* is defined as "any measure desired by the patient that has the potential to restore or extend the ability to cope with various life situations that affect health and wellness. * It is crucial to nursing profession that a need-for-help be based on the individual perception of his own situation.
Major Assumption
* reverence for the gift of life * respect for the dignity, worth, autonomy and