1.1 Compare methods for developing and maintaining skills for everyday life.
Skills for everyday life allow people to do the things that meet their daily needs. these are also known as activities of daily living that have a direct effect on individual’s health and wellbeing.
It is a common thought that support workers look after people by doing things for them.
Another approach is to do things with people.
In present times care workers should work in partnership with individuals and groups of individuals. Partnership is about working together as equals in order to support the individuals to make as many decisions about their care as possible and to support the individuals to do as much for themselves as possible.
Providing too much care can make people’s problems worse.
Individuals can lose skills they once used
They do not learn new skills
Do not regain skills they have lost.
1.3 Explain how maintaining, regaining or developing skills can benefit individuals.
Maintaining, regaining and developing everyday skills can benefit individual’s wellbeing in a range of ways:
Physical wellbeing: individuals are freed from hunger and thirst, they look clean and presentable to others and risks of infections and disease is lowered.
Psychological wellbeing: individuals can be more confident and have a good opinion of themselves. Social wellbeing: individuals are able to avoid emotional distress such as frequent tearfulness and sadness.
Emotional wellbeing: individuals are able to be part of a community with a sense of belonging, avoiding isolation and loneliness.
The aim of health and social care work is to protect and promote the wellbeing of individuals.
Care workers should assist individuals and groups of individuals with their everyday living needs and thereby promote their wellbeing. 2.3 Analyse possible