1.1 Explain how and why person centered values must influence all aspects of health and social care work:
Because everybody has different belief systems, needs, disabilities, cultures, religious beliefs. Everybody has their own person centered care plans that help us approach them in an individual way, even if we know how to assist clients we still try to offer those choices and independence. We need to make sure we do not push our beliefs onto those who cannot choose for themselves.
1.2 Evaluate the use of care plans in applying person centered values:
Care plans are the primary source of client information. We can make individual plans and requirements to suit the specific needs of an individual. The better the care plan the easier it becomes for us to assist a client in their own way without getting into a mess from not understanding the care plans.
2.1 Work with an individual and others to find out the person’s history, preferences, wishes and needs:
Depending if the individual can communicate we can ask them, or their family if they have family, if they have no family and cannot communicate we have best interest meetings to discuss the care that an individual may need. Care plans also have all the information that we need about a person’s history and preferences.
2.2 Demonstrate ways to put person centered values into practice in complex or sensitive situations:
Maybe just sitting and spending time with individuals on a 1:1 basis
Intensive interaction with individuals
2.3 Adapt actions and approaches in response to an individual’s changing needs or preferences;
By reviewing care plans on a regular basis
3.1 Analyze factors that influence the capacity of an individual to express consent:
Dementia, understanding, not being able to communicate
3.2 Establish consent for an activity or action:
We have care plans to follow, it explains what