Person-centred thinking is separating what is important to from, what is important for
The people they support and finding a balance between them, person-centred planning reflects upon a person’s capacities, what is important to a person (now and for the future) and specifies the support they require to make a valued contribution to their community. Services are delivered in the context of the life a person chooses and not about slotting people into “gaps”.
1.2 Explain the benefits using person-centred thinking with individuals.
It describes what is important to the person - what matters to them, from their perspective clearly identifies the supports that the person requires - what is important for them to stay healthy and safe, and it identifies what needs to stay the same or be enhanced in the person’s life, and what needs to change (in order that the person has more of what is important to them in their life). Actions are set that identifies what need to change and who will do this by when.
1.3 Explain the beliefs and values on which person centred thinking and planning is based.
You should always reflect on and celebrate the diversity of the people you are supporting. There are many reasons why individuals think and act the way they do and only by building up comprehensive knowledge about these important things can you help them to fulfil their wishes and needs.
1.4 Explain how the beliefs and values on which person-centred thinking is based differ from assessment and other approaches to planning.
The beliefs and values on which person-centred thinking is based differ from assessment and other approaches to planning. The beliefs and values on which person-centred is based put the individual in the context of their family and their community first. Therefore it is