
Sac 1.1

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Helath and Human development – Sac 1

1. Define the following Burden of disease. A measure of the impact of disease and injuries, specifically it measure the gap between current health status and an ideal situation where everyone lives to an old age free of disease and disability. It is measured in a unit called DALY

Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) A measure of burden of disease. One DALY equals one year of healthy life lost due to premature death and time lived with illness, disesase or injury

Health Status An indicidurals or populations over all levels of health, taking into account various aspects suc as life expectancy, amount of disability, and levels of sdiease risk factors.

Life Expectancy An
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What are the determinants of health? Give Examples. Biological Determinants: Of health refer to factors relating to the body that impact on health including genetics, hormones, body weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels and birth weight. E,g Body weight, is influenced by genetics and body functioning in relation to metabolism and hormonal control of body functions. A biological influence on body weight is inheritance of a certain body type from genes. Biological factors are also often influenced by behavioural factors, which are in turn influenced by environmental factors. For example, the health-related behaviours of physical activity and food intake can affect the biological factor of body weight.

Behavioural Determinants: Actions or patterns of living of an individual or a group that impact on health, such as smoking, sexual activity, participation in physical activity and eating practise. E.g Health related behaviours are adjustable aqctions undertaken by individuals that affect their health either positively or negatively. Other examples of BD of health include level of use of healthcare, immunisation and sun protection

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