Dena G. Bryant
Liberty University
November 07, 2012
Helping Children Who are Deaf by Sandy Niemann, Devorah Greenstein, and Darlena David.
Helping children who are deaf is an intriguing book that covers the issues of deaf children and how they can be helped. It is written well and informs it readers of the many problems and issues that a deaf child has to face in everyday life, as well as the many way they can be helped. The author has provided detailed information of what causes children to be deaf, such as ear infection, and many different illnesses, such as meningitis, an injury, or may be inherited. This book there was a lot of information concerning how to assist with needs of the whole child. Children, who are deaf or cannot hear well are very unique and can be helped by activities that are lovingly and geared to the special needs. In this book, there are chapter headings, and drawings of child activities and groups of adults in discussion, as well as speech bubbles. Helping children who are deaf was written to assist parents and other caregivers of children", who cannot hear, but it does not give evidence that the author has had hands on experience with children who are deaf but has made use of several experts to come up with this book. The implies that global principles and methods exist for raising a deaf child and these can narrowed down to activities, which parents or caregivers, and they should understand and practice every child who is deaf or cannot hear are different in their own way and should be approached with activities that are lovingly, and specific abilities and needs.
The author appeared to have done a great deal of research concerning deaf children focusing on communication, and how they learn. The author also covers the guidelines for teaching a deaf child to communicate with others. States that child who do not hear well learn from seeing rather the hearing. Stating