Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company produced 15 million Model T’s from 1908 to the year 1927. Using his invention of the assembly line, Henry Ford made producing automobiles very efficient. The making of an automobile went from a complex procedure to a job that the simple average man can handle.
Before Henry Ford revolutionized the industry of automobile making with the assembly line, cars were made very different. In order to produce a car it took a very talented craftsmen to make each and every part of the vehicle. Since it was a job that took great talent many people were unable to handle the task. This also caused the making of a car to take a large portion of time in comparison to the rate at which they come off an assembly line today. Making the production easier and more efficient allowed him to hire …show more content…
This also made it to where he could pay his workers more because of the rate he was producing cars. Henry Ford changed the world because of his invention of the assembly line and his other contributions to the automotive industry.
Henry Ford was born on July 30, 1863 near Dearborn, Michigan. At the age of thirteen is where his life of tinkering with things began. His father gave him a pocket watch and at only the age of thirteen. Ford then took it apart and reassembled it. Many friends and neighbors were impressed with this skill he had and asked him to fix their watches as well. Following that at the age of sixteen Ford left home to take an apprenticeship as a machinist in Detroit. That is where he learned to operate and service steam engines along with other heavy machinery. In 1888 Ford got married to Clara Ala Bryant and they had