Henry Ford would go on to be one of the most successful designers of his time. His invention of the Model T was one that advanced the world to new levels. Also known as the Tin Lizzie, the Model T made transportation a much simpler process. Demand for the Model T skyrocketed as it grew more popular every day. As a result, Ford created the assembly line process. He wanted to come up with an easier way to satisfy the needs of his demanding customers. His practice on the assembly line revolutionized
Henry Ford would go on to be one of the most successful designers of his time. His invention of the Model T was one that advanced the world to new levels. Also known as the Tin Lizzie, the Model T made transportation a much simpler process. Demand for the Model T skyrocketed as it grew more popular every day. As a result, Ford created the assembly line process. He wanted to come up with an easier way to satisfy the needs of his demanding customers. His practice on the assembly line revolutionized