
Herman Hesse's Siddhartha

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Herman Hesse's Siddhartha
Siddhartha is a very beautiful and genuine collection of wonderful episodes leading to self realization or 'Nirvana' written by Herman Hesse. Out of the so many beautiful, breath taking and thought provoking episodes the ones that I find the most impressionable are Siddhartha's meeting with Gautum Buddha, the questions he asks and the answers he seeks as a result of the mental stir created by those questions and secondly when wise Siddhartha learns to understand the silent language of the river with his good friend Vasudeva. I shall elaborate on these two episodes as well as my perspectives, ideas and the modern day significance of these episodes that are worthy of being etched in our minds. Siddhartha while he was leading the life of a …show more content…
They were informed by one such lady who had offered food that Gautum Buddha resided in Jetavana in the gardens of Anathapindika. Both of them found shelter at Jetavana for the night. The next morning they were amazed to see the so many believers and curious people there. Just then Siddhartha chanced upon Buddha himself. At this point the writer does full justice in painting a beautiful and apt picture of Gautam Buddha in front of our eyes. He says that he can easily be identified among hundreds of other monks inspite of him wearing the same yellow robes. He seemed to be neither sad nor happy. He seemed to be gently smiling inwards as he walked peacefully. His peaceful downward glance, downward hanging hand and every finger of his spoke about the continual and unfading peace that existed in his inner being. Thus we realize that he is indeed the Enlightened One, One who has attained the knowledge of his inner self and it is due to this knowledge that there is a beautiful glow, a glow of bliss that is evident on his face, he is composed at all times. Govinda looked forward to hear his preachings. That following evening Gautum Buddha talked about suffering, pain and the path to liberate themselves from these by attaining salvation. After hearing Buddha's words Govinda pledged his allegiance to him. He asked Siddhartha that when Buddha's path is the path to salvation then why wouldnt he join too? Siddhartha replied calmly that all his life Govinda had been his friend and walked a step behind him. He had often asked himself if Govinda will take a step without him. Now he sees that Govinda is a young man and has chosen his path. He wishes him luck for this path. Govinda on hearing these words becomes extremely disturbed and presses Siddhartha to swear his allegiance to Buddha too. Siddhartha makes him understand that by

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