I have been recruited by Hernando de Soto. This could finally be the job my family and I need. However, it is not the job that I had been hoping to claim. Nevertheless, my family needs the fortunes that we need to keep thriving. My recruiter, Hernando de Soto, does not have the best looks as his eyes discomfort me. I have high hopes for this expedition as we have well over 700 men, 10 ship, and enough food to last us through the harshest of winters. I will very much miss my family so I shall spend as much time as I can before my departure for the New World.
1539, June Entry 2
It has been 2 weeks since we have reached the lands of the New World. Our leader Hernando has been trying to trick the natives in believing that he is a god so that we may get gifts and slaves in exchange. It seems that however how hard he tries to trick them, they seem to not believe him.
1541, June Entry 3
I seem to have slightly injured in the battle of a native village; I shall not begin to …show more content…
The general has named it the Great River, I find it very fitting, yet unoriginal. This river could be seen from the clouds above, I can guarantee it. In less exciting news, all of the slaves and natives that we have encountered seem to be dying of disease and illness. We all pray that these diseases do not turn their heads towards us.
1542, August Entry 5
Our glorious leader, Hernando de Soto, has died to a fever. The priests that we have have blessed his soul soon after his department; he was set afloat down the . Soon after de Soto’s decease, our new leader, Luis de Moscoso, was promoted to the head of this expedition. Also after the general's death, we held an auction for what he had owned; I won that auction and after this horrible adventure, my family can have a life of what they need and deserve. We are leaving this horrible world the way de Soto did and going back