Human rights was one of the most important things that anyone has to have and that many do not have. The problem in Chicago and in New York the Puerto Ricans were treated less being Hispanic by the white people gave it so much priority. “They began to organize more community actions and programs, including demonstrations for: welfare rights, women’s rights, against police brutality, and for self determination for Puerto Rico and other Latin American …show more content…
“When the group became political it was about self-determination for Puerto Rican other Latino nations and community control. These intertwined culturally with gaining respect for Latinos from white Lincoln Park gangs.When the Young Lords initially formed, the white gangs viewed Hispanics as a disruption to the Lincoln Park neighborhood”. The Hispanics had no respect and no power on the part of white people, many people because white people feel superior Hispanics but not all of them. The Young Lords speak up for their rights made protests for people to see that they wanted more equality with