Soto includes this in the text to give Manuel a boost in confidence and his performance. Additionally not only do other characters reactions accentuate the theme but manuel’s private thoughts as well. Manuel asks himself why he raised his hand. “Why did I raise my hand?’ he asked himself,” This excerpt shows that Manuel feels apprehensive about the talent show, and having second thoughts. He wondered why he even volunteered in the first place. In conjunction with this Soto also states, “Next year, when they asked for volunteers for the talent show, he wouldn’t raise his hand. Probably.” Showing in the end did not have a horrible time. Other characters actions helped Manuel feel better about his act.
In addition do other characters support the theme of “La bamba” but Manuel as well. Soto shows this by saying “Manuel stood alone, trying hard to hold back the tears.” Soto Includes this because he wanted to show what Manuel felt like when he is worrying about his pPerformance. Soto also Includes That people loved his act saying it was a great performance then when he goes home Soto says “Manuel, feeling happy, went to his bedroom.” To say this he means that Manuel did not have that bad of a time when people encouraged him and that it wasn’t as big of a deal as he made it . To conclude, Manuel should have been having fun at the talent show . Soto’s theme for this story is that you should relaxed over things that are just for fun. He Expresses this through Manuels emotions, Other character’s reactions and Manuels private thoughts.