2. Hazel considers An Imperial Affliction "so special and rare that advertising your affection for it feels like a betrayal." Why is it Hazel's favorite book? Why is it so important that she and Gus learn what happens after its heroine dies? Have you ever felt the same way about a book as Hazel does—that it is too special to talk about? I think it was her favorite book because she could relate to it. I think it's important for them because then they could have an idea about what will happen after they die. I have felt the same way about a book before.
3. John Green once served as a chaplain in a children's hospital, working with young cancer patients. In an interview, he referred to the "hero's journey within illness"—that "in spite of it, you pull yourself up and continue to be alive while you're alive." In what way does Green's comment apply to his book—about two young people who are dying? I believe that the statement is correct. Both Hazel and Gus take on a hero's journey regardless of the difficulties they face. For example, Gus going to buy cigarettes although he was in severe pain. Neither Hazel nor Gus let the cancer get in the way of their lives. Both of them tried to live their lives at the fullest.