At first, “The Lion King” follows the separation part of the hero’s story where Simba is set on an unknown adventure by his villainous uncle Scar. This event happens when Scar betrays his brother Mufasa, by making him fall off the cliff and into the stampede created by his hyenas. He then tricks Simba by making him believe that his father’s death was his fault. Simba unknowingly trusts Scar and by truly believing that Mufasa’s death is his fault, Simba leaves home and travels to a distant land. Simba felt guilty about the death of his father as a result of the mistake that he did not make and by leaving Pride Land, Simba left behind his family or identity with his rights to become a king. This journey not only made Simba strong physically but also mentally. This characteristic convert him to a hero because he stayed away from his family alone in a new land and did not return back giving up or thinking about them.
The second stage “The Lion King” follows is Return with Initiation, where Simba return to Pride Land on