Hershey created a school called Hershey Milton School for orphan boys. The school is for students who have social and financial problems. This is a strength because it shows the consumer that Hershey help the society. This make people feel that Hershey contributes back to the society and they might want to buy Hershey more than other brands. The school can help increase Hershey’s public image about their CSR.
Hershey join with the American Dietetic Association …show more content…
This is a threat because customers have many brand options. They might not prefer Hershey product taste.
The price of milk and sugar has increased during the past few years. This is a threat because Hershey has to buy milk and sugar for their raw ingredients because it is the main part of their products. Hershey will have to increase their price to cover the cost but if they increase the price of their products, customer might buy another brand that is cheaper.
Recently, there have been a controversy about health and safety concerns. Hershey interest groups might not support Hershey anymore because they might think that Hershey is irresponsible to the community. This is also a threat to the Hershey image because the news is negative. When the audience see this news, they might stop buying Hershey products.
The minimum wages of the employee increase every year. This will affect the labour cost of Hershey because Hershey will have to pay the wages at a higher price. This is a threat because it will lower the profit of Hershey. Hershey might have to increase the price of it product to achieve the same level of profit but it will make other brands more