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How managers might improve the motivation of employees using Hertzberg 's theory
“If you want people to do a good job, give them a good job to do” -Frederick Herzberg. In other words, for people to do a good job they have to be motivated. According to Webster’s New Collegiate dictionary a motive is “something (desire or need) that causes a person to act”, to motivate is “to provide with a motive” and motivation is the “act of providing someone with the desire to take action”. Motivation can either be intrinsic (driven by interest and enjoyment in a task) or extrinsic (driven by external factors such as money and grades). Frederick Irving Herzberg (1923-2000) was an American psychologist famous for his influence in the management of businesses. He is credited with the introduction of the “job-enrichment” and the “motivator-hygiene” theory. Herzberg’s theories on management advocate for intrinsic motivation of employees rather than extrinsic motivation. Managers are at the heart of motivating employees and their application of Herzberg’s two- factor theory might be of help.
The Dual structure theory The theory is also known as the two factor theory. Fredrick Herzberg introduced the theory in 1959; as he sought to answer the question, “what do people want from their jobs?” He interviewed 203 American accountants and engineers (two of the most important professions in business). Herzberg asked the professionals questions a range of questions in relation to the times they felt extremely good or bad about their current and previous jobs. He asked them to give reasons for their feelings and account for the events that accompanied the feelings. Herzberg found that two different sets of factors affected their motivation at work. In case of absence or weakness in one set of factors the professionals expressed
References: Hallowell, E., M. 2005. Overloaded Circuits: why smart people underperform. Harvard business review. 83, 54-62. Herzberg, F. 2003. One more time; how do you motivate your employees? Harvard business review, 81, 86-96. Manion, J. 2005. From Management to Leadership. San Francisco. Jossey-Bass.