Sexuality is a fundamental aspect of being human all through life and includes gender identities, sex, and sexual orientation, roles, eroticism, intimacy, pleasure, and reproduction (Chapman, 2008). Sexuality is expressed and experienced in thoughts, ideas, fantasies, desires, manners, values, behaviors, roles, relationships and practices. Though sexuality can encompass all of these aspects, not all of them are for all time experienced or demonstrated (Hunter, 1992). It is influenced by the interface of biological, social, political, psychological, ethical, economic, cultural, historical, legal, spiritual and religious factors (Simoni & Walters, 2001). There is another system present named heterosexism. It is an approach of bias, discrimination and attitudes and in favor of opposite-sex relationships and sexuality (Shortall, 1998). Transgender oppression is same that is influenced individually, culturally and even institutionally. A person intentionally describes someone “she” even though the person has been very obvious that he wants to be described “he”. Transgender people portrayed in mass media are mainly the comic recreation, or they are foolish. If a citizen from US gets married to someone outside from US, their spouse without any intervention gets the chance to pursue US citizenship, but it is true for the couple of same-sex or any one of them is a transgender person. It is the assumption that heterosexuality is better and more wanted than homosexuality or bisexuality (Rengel, 1991). Even in today's modern world, lesbians, bisexuals and gay men experience numerous constraints and pressures associated with their way of lives, in addition to the hassles of everyday life. Feminism is also an important element, purely dedicated for the rights of females. Media plays an additionally high role in highlighting these aspect, facts and stories (Smith, 1990). Prejudice regarding a
References: Aveline, D. (2003). Name calling, racial joking, and prejudice among students. Bloomington, Ind.: Phi Delta Kappa Educational Foundation. Barnes, J. M., & Wane, N. N. (Eds.). (2000). Equity in schools and society. Toronto: Canadian Scholars ' Press. Chapman, G. (2008). The Heart of the Five Love Languages. Northfield Publishing Cole, M Diamond, L. M. (2008). Sexual Fluidity: Understanding Women 's Love and Desire. Harvard Herek, G Shortall, A. (1998). The social construction of homophobia and heterosexism in the Newfoundland education system. Unpublished Master 's dissertation, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Smith, D. E. (1987). The everyday world as problematic: A feminist sociology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Smith, D Thompson, D. (1989) The "Sex/Gender" Distinction: A Reconsideration. Australian Feminist Studies, 10, 23-31.