By Maria Mota
Margaret Rainforth
December 4, 2012
H & HS Culture HHS 310
Mental health services conducted on the Internet have been described as e-therapy, online counseling, e -mail therapy, Internet-based therapy, and similar terminology. Online therapy services may be provided as an adjunct to more traditional forms of mental health treatment, or may be initiated without any offline contact between the therapist and client. Currently, there are a variety of websites providing links and information regarding online therapy. As I was reading about benefits and risks in using internet as a source for mental health services, I realized that there are a lot of factors that make it a controversial issue. There are many pro and con to its benefits. Some Pros are the convenience of a client, Flexibility in scheduling, Anonymous and private, Access to those with physical disabilities; emotionally safe environment on of my biggest issues is making use of the time-delay (email) to work on issues. Appeal to those who are shy, uncomfortable with face-to-face treatment and make them feel more those who are shy more comfortable. Some disadvantages are Privacy, security and privilege cannot be guaranteed, Lack of patient skills to use the Absence of face-to-face therapy relationship, Lack of behavioral cues may lead to problems in treatment and most importantly is Urgent, crises, or suicidal issues may not receive immediate and appropriate attention. I work in a Community clinic where we offer many treatments one of them is therapy also. As I came across this assignment I ask one of our doctors what they believed. One of the doctors sends in miner cases it could be useful as long as is a well program with credentials and the issues are not really serious. At this time we are transitioning from paper charts to computers so
References: 1. National Association of Social Workers “Code of Ethics “Retrieved From: 2. American Psychological Association “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct “Retrieved From: 3. The Branch Journal of Psychiatry Dr. John Powell “Internet information-seeking in mental health” Sept 2006 retrieved from: 4. Department of Consumer Affairs Board of Behavioral Sciences “Consumer Information Regarding Online Psychotherapy” Retrieved From: