Student Name: SHARMA AKANKSHA UB Number:
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Report title:
Information Systems at Hidesign
(3277 words)
Tutorial group: T1
Tutorial Time:
Tutors Name: Daminni Grover
Course: BSc Business Studies
No of words in this assignment: 3277(Three thousand two hundred and seventy seven.)
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Signed: __________________________ Date: _______
Hidesign is a private firm dealing in leather goods manufacturer based in Pondicherry, India. This Retail Company was founded in 1978 by Dilip Kapur with employee strength of 3000. In the year, 1978: Hidesign begun with a two people artisan workshop with the initial markets being tiny substitute shops in the United States and Australia, which reflected the bands heresy against mass production and uniformity. Hidesign launched itself in the U.K, in the year 1982 and within no time turned into a counter-culture figure in the independent shops. By 1990 Hidesign had managed to bring out its first ever customized factory in Pondicherry, which had been designed by Ray Meeker. The year 1991 was a good year for Hidesign as it expanded like a viral in India, being popular for its, craftsmanship, quality and elegance. Hidesign has managed to expand into an international brand with almost over 60 exclusionary retail shops alongside with a distribution network, working across more than 20 countries. Hidesign takes extreme glory on its ability to emphasise on the natural beauty of its products, which are individually handcrafted using the highest quality of leathers, using only the