There is also a division of labor; for example each assistant principal has different responsibilities and they manage different things. Also, each person in the administration structure does only their specific job; math teachers teach math, English teachers teach English, etc. When I was a student at my high school I found that there were definitely written rules, not only were there rules like “you have to ask for the hall pass to go to the bathroom”, but there were also rules that governed who we went to if we had a problem with something. For example, if we were being harassed or bullied we couldn’t go to the administrator ourselves, we had to talk to our teachers, and then they would go to the administrator. Also in the high school administration system there were written communications and written records. Some examples of this are the official transcripts for students as well as the written paperwork that students fill out at the beginning of every school year. Also everything had to be written out, from letters that
There is also a division of labor; for example each assistant principal has different responsibilities and they manage different things. Also, each person in the administration structure does only their specific job; math teachers teach math, English teachers teach English, etc. When I was a student at my high school I found that there were definitely written rules, not only were there rules like “you have to ask for the hall pass to go to the bathroom”, but there were also rules that governed who we went to if we had a problem with something. For example, if we were being harassed or bullied we couldn’t go to the administrator ourselves, we had to talk to our teachers, and then they would go to the administrator. Also in the high school administration system there were written communications and written records. Some examples of this are the official transcripts for students as well as the written paperwork that students fill out at the beginning of every school year. Also everything had to be written out, from letters that