Educational achievement of students demands urgent attention to attain their goals. A numerous researches have been conducted to contribute to determine the predictors of educational success of college students. A research work always takes the advantages of the information and the knowledge that had been accumulated in the past as a result of constant research endeavour by mankind. According to Koul (2009) research can never be undertaken in the isolation of the work that has already been done on the problems related to the study propose by any researcher. Every researcher reviewed the related literature from the different resources that includes research journal, articles, books, magazines, encyclopedias, dissertations, abstracts, international year books, theses and most important in the present era the internet access. The detailed account of review of related literature pertaining to variables under study, namely academic achievement, parental encouragement, achievement motivation and intelligence is presented here under.
Krishnan (1977) conducted a study on non-intellectual factors and their
influence on academic achievement. The sample comprised of 180 students of sixth to ninth class studying in central school Tirupati and was divided into three groups depending on their parents‟ education as high, middle and low. The results indicated that parents‟ educational status had significant influence on the academic achievement of their children.
Saini (1977) undertook a study on academic achievement as a function of economic status and educational standard of parents. The sample consisted of 196 students from four colleges of Chandigarh. The findings revealed that educational standard of parents had significant effect on the academic achievement of arts and science students at the college level.
Aggarwal (1983) conducted a study on reading ability