Having a good assortment of good friends is a vital part of a person’s life in general. Friends should be somebody that you can speak comfortably with, and trust with nearly anything that you tell them. True friends are hard to come by, some will call themselves your friends but when something huge comes about they may turn and run. In other situations, people just change and if you want to be yourself without changing and making…
Reading the article, Thriving at School, was incredibly inspirational as a future teacher. I have heard amazing faith stories of teachers who would stay after school and pray for every student by walking past their locker. There have been teachers who pray for every student on their rosters. What a great way to reflect on the day that you have had or prepare for the day to come. Terri Trepanier states that, “Praying is the only thing I know to do to maintain my sanity and prepare myself to stand firm for this demanding calling.”…
Do you want to pass eighth grade successfully? I can tell you how to do it; but, if you do not listen or follow these instructions, it will be hard to pass eighth grade and move on to the ninth grade. The following things are a really major key, so do exactly what they say and you will pass the eighth grade with exceptional grades. The three major keys are responsibility, paying attention, and being quiet. If you follow these major keys you will pass the eighth with exceptional grades.…
First of all, a good friend should always take care of you and give you the best…
One minute you have a lot of friends, and the very next minute you only have one or two. As you get older you end up losing a lot of friends but you gain the knowledge of who your true friends are. Those friends who have stuck by your side through the ups and the downs are your life long friends.…
Who are my friends, how do I keep in touch with them, who can support me to maintain healthy friendships.…
Opioid are derived from opium or synthetic drugs that have similar properties. These drugs possess the ability to reduce pain. Using opioids for extended periods of time causes the body to become adapted to them. As a result, the body becomes physically dependent on the drug (Paulozzi, 287). According to the Pennsylvania Medical Society, Americans consume 80% of the world’s opioid supply (“More White, Middle-aged Women Overdose on Opioids, Study Says.”). This number is should be shocking and should signal a red flag. Having such easy access to opioids in the United States explains why drug overdoses have increased so drastically. Opioids are not the only drugs that have caused an increase in drug overdose rates. Heroin overdose rates have almost…
For most people, it is really hard to find someone who is completely honest, loyal, and a positive influence on your life, but there’s always a best friend for someone. Almost everyone has one and almost everyone is one. For me, I personally do not have a best friend. I stay to myself a lot and I’m not open about everything, it’s also hard to gain a new best friend if all of your old friends went off to college. A best friend is someone who is very generous, they’re there to lend you money when you run out, be your shoulder to cry on, and go out of their way if they really care about you. A best friend can be someone whom you’ve known since childhood but can also be someone that you’ve just met, and you both just click.…
Third, I have gradually discovered a few tips-and-tricks on how to make your life easier in 8th grade. Keeping a piece of paper containing your information for the homework that night helps you to not forget to do it. Making up songs to go with the material is a really good way of studying and was a life-saver for me. For weekend homework, try to get it done before 7:00p.m. on Saturday so that you can do fun weekend things and still get your homework done without rushing. Overall, just try to save time and be organized.…
I making this letter for you guys, so please take the pointer I'm about to give you. I'm going to tell you my secret about how I pass 8th grade. first you need to know, you must pay attend to every single word the teachers tell you, if you do. you will never have to study for any test ever again. not that I'm saying that you can't, I'm saying, if you do that and study, you well make perfect grades. second you will respect your teachers, if you do, you will never have to worry about making a bad grade. after all if you tread the teachers nicely, they will tread you nicely, but only if you behave, and always tread them with respect. three you will resist doing bad stuff, don't ever get caught hanging with bad people, don't…
In assignment one I wrote about how pollinating bee populations were declining around the world and the solutions that can prevent this from happening. Addressing this issue can be very difficult. Not only are humans causing this problem but the bee population has a disease that is destroying the colonies. Currently there really isn’t a policy in place to regulate the problem but there are informal efforts that are being put into place by the federal government and other agencies. These efforts include providing millions of dollars for research to find a solution for the disease, restoring acres of land for habitat and increasing studies on the use of pesticides. I feel that most people…
First I want to achieve these things as an eighth grader.I want to be the one who gets good grades and turns in all his work.The reason being is so I can keep good grades.But the most important thing I want to do this year is graduate.That is my biggest goal this year, I'm pretty sure every eighth grader has had this as an academic goal.This is probably the highlight of every eighths graders year,…
When trying to design an ideal high school, I feel that two important aspects should focus on; preventing violence and bullying and enhancing academic achievement through positive enforcement towards learning. These two specific issues seem to foster each other and by addressing them individually, it becomes apparent that one benefit’s the other. The school would first implement a “anti-bullying” policy. According to Lajoie, McLellan, and Seddon (1997) “Bullying is one of the most underrated and enduring problems in school today” (pg.15). Dan Olweus’s (1992) defines bullying, as “a person being bullied or victimized when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more persons.” The school’s “anti-bullying” policy would consist of three core sections. The first part of the policy would address, a “No Tolerance” system. Bullying would be treated, as a whole. It would address; verbal, physical and relational bullying equally. If a student was involved with any form of bullying, by definition, a warning would be issued during a meeting with the student, the parents, guidance counseling team and school administrator. The student and parent would be offered optional counseling to determine the basis for the student’s actions. If the parent and student declined to participate, the student’s next offense would resolute in the student being removed from the school. The second part of the policy would require teachers to take a course in how to recognize and handle bullying within the school. Parent’s would also, be given the option at the beginning of the school year to attend a similar seminar that would address bullying and it’s victims. It would include information that would help them recognize if their child was becoming a victim and address behaviors that may indicate that their child may be participating in “bullying” behavior.…
At the beginning of the year when we talked about how important 8th grade is, it really got to me. My past years in middle school, I just blew everything off because i didn't really care. Like if we had a test, i wouldn't study, if we had a big homework assignment, i wouldn't do it. I did this because i would think to myself and say “Oh well, it doesn't matter anyways”. But this year i realized that it actually does. Im almost in high school. 8th grade is preparation of high school. So everything i do in 8th grade, will affect my life and education. So i set myself some goals this year.…
In this essay I will tell you things to do and not to do in 8th grade. When you get into 8th grade at first it will seem easy, that is because they are reviewing the things you were taught in 7th grade. You will like the things Mrs. Wright and Mr. Peters do to try and make the classes work harder, Mr. Peters gives pizza parties to classes for certain things and has a competition on which class can sing Lean on me the best. Mrs. Wright in her 5th period class tests you on the animals that live in North Alabama and we watch movies. The things I will be talking about is ,how to make it through Mr. Peters class, what not to do in class ,and how to make it through Coach Davis’s class.…