Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about Ellen’s background and a few of her accomplishments.
I. Good evening, one of my favorite quotes that gets me through everyday struggles is a quote by Michael Jordan saying, “If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”
II. dansdbkasjflsdf adknfkjsdfkljhdsf akdjfskdjhfkjsdf fkjsdhfkjasdfkjsdfkjhsd fkjsdhfkjhsdf.
III. I attend sdljfhsdjhfksjdf fskjhflshdfsd gksjdhgf. I will be graduating from the Dental Assisting program this fall in October.
IV. Today I will tell you about my
a. Background
b. Education
c. My greatest achievements so far.
I. First let us start off with my background.
1. I wasa;kjdhfkadhfksjdf sdjfkjshdfkjhsdkfjd
a. I livedkjxahdjfhdskfjh,sdfkjsdfkljs fskjhdbfjhsd djskhfhjsdfsjh
b. Making the transition from living on base to off base wasn’t a huge change so I didn’t have to adjust too much.
2. My mother is Korean and my father is white.
a. I grew up learning all about my heritage with my mom being very traditional.
b. With my dad being a traditional American soldier, I also grew up with core values to appreciate our freedom and all the different things being a civilian has to offer.
II. Now that you know a little about my background let me tell you about the education I have received thus far.
1. I graduated high school fromnzdkjzdfjhdskfj.
a. Northeast was a great establishment to go to for high school.
b. I accomplished many things while I was attending kjsfhgkdfgkdfjkdfg, but only after overcoming many great obstacles.
2. As I stated before I am currently enrolled atljfdskjfkjshfds
a. I am in the dental assisting program where I have completed 92 hours of interning at the jsdflhsdfghdgf.
b. I will be graduating from Daymar for my associate’s degree this fall.
III. Lastly, I would like to share some of my greatest achievements with you.
1. I succeeded in getting my first job at the age of 16.
a. I worked ,skdjfksjdhfkjsdhfkjshdfkjshdfhgsjhgfslfhgsd
b. kjerhgkjhfgkjhsdlfkghslfkdhglkdjshfgkljshdfglkjhsdfklgjhdskf- jghdskfjhgkdjshfgskjhdfgkjshdfgkjhsfdgkj. 2. Another great accomplishment I am proud of is overcoming my struggles of being a working college student.
a. Trying to juggle both work and college was something I struggled with immensely at the beginning of my college education.
b. It came down to the point where every day consisted of either school and homework, or long work hours with being such a valued worker.
jksdfhjgsdfgsdjgfjshgdfksdfgsd sdjfhgsfhvlkds sdjhfkljshdkf kdjshflkhsdg kdsjfhlkshdfla vkshgkhfskbg skjhvkjhsdlkgvnslkdjkjsf skjbglkshg sdkjghkdjfg kjfhgkjdf gkjhsfgklhdf gkjshdkjhfgd kjfhdgkljhdfg bslkjhfglkdjfg dkjhgdjfhgdf skfghkjdhfgdbfgklhdfbxkcvbdkvbkdfbglsiydhfkbbdsfhvuyghvbfrge- fdbugyvhjbegerihykvhbnjkrgieyduvhbjknrgeuhsimjbeurfhnvkjiuhg- ynjhulgfdvkjfhurglbnjhuglrencjuhgfdjknhurgbjuhgbjxvchujbjfgd-