As stated earlier, the length and detail of the education is what separates the physician from the assistant. Although the PA may know as much as the actual physician he or she work under, the certification and degree the physician holds is what makes them work less and get paid much more. There are different methods to how one can obtain the education required by the health board and the state laws. Physician assistant degrees can be obtained through an accredited university, through some military programs or schools, and colleges and health allied programs with association with medical schools. For example, in Miami, Florida, an aspiring Physician assistant student can attend Miami Dade College and apply to their two-year program. Although Miami Dade College is not a university, it is an accredited institution and is affiliated with hospitals such Jackson Memorial Hospital and the Baptist Health System. On average, the length of a physician assistant program is two years and has an average cost of $30,000 (Go Physician Assistant School, 2011). Using the previous example of Miami Dade College, this program has an approximate cost of $22,000 for in-state students and approximately $37,000 for out-of-state students. Although a student has completed the schooling, they are not allowed to practice their degree until completing state exams. All States and the District…