How Dangerous Is High School Football?High school football is the leading cause of sports related injuries. From 2005- 2006 football players sustained more than half a million injuries nationally. A study conducted by CIRP at CCH compared high school and collegiate football injuries. This …show more content…
was published in August 2007 by American journal of sport medicine. Every 1,000 high school football exposure results in injury. While eight out of 1,000 collegiate football resulted in injury. Christy collins states,“There are ways to reduce the number and severity of football injuries through targeted interventions. Because we observed high levels of ankle and knee injuries, we recommend increased conditioning of ankles and knees and rule changes aimed at protecting these vulnerable body sites.As most of the injuries to these regions were due to ligament sprains, targeted stretching exercises may also be beneficial.”
The advice that the article given on reducing the number of injuries to high school football players is that they're trying to find new ways of appropriate tackling and blocking techniques to reduce the risk of injuries. The article stated, “Additional instruction on appropriate tackling and blocking techniques as well as position-specific conditioning may help reduce the risk of injury during running plays.”“Further research is required to identify those players most likely to be injured and examine what types of targeted efforts might prevent those injuries.”
Hard Knocks. Hard knocks could put students who play football in danger like Owen Thomas. Thomas was a 9 year old who enjoyed playing football, loved being rough and tumbling games. He enjoyed hitting hard at practice over time, over time those hit added up and took a terrible toll. In April thomas a junior at Penn took his own life. The autopsy showed that his brain was in the early stages of chronic traumatic. Also knows as C.T.E.
is a head trauma induced disease linked to depression, impulse-control problems, memory loss, and dementia. The thing that is being done that could prevent this from happening to make football safer is improved helmet technology, coaches need to do a better job of making sure players with head injuries to stay off the field. Reduce hitting time at practice. Michael Oriard a former N.F.L player who was written several books about football states, “I definitely think the game can be made safer,” “But can it be made safe enough? I’m not so sure.” The solution that the N.F.L is considering to prevent harmful injuries is to change the frequency and structure of its practices to reduce head trauma. This would benifit for high school football as well.
With Proper Oversight, Youth. Football could be Safe. There is already changes being put in motion to keep the youth game safe to make sure that the youth will be in no danger of head injuries. Some of these changes come from the sport medicine expert Mark Lovell. Mark Lovell founded the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Sports Medicine Concussion Program. Lovell quoted in this article, “Recommends several changes to limit concussions: 1.Have doctors and trainers on the field who understand the Injury. 2.Use standardized concussion tests to determine if an …show more content…
injured player is ready to return.
3.Ease injured athletes back into play gradually. 4.Monitor injured players long term.” These are some of the high school changes there are making to prevent concussions.
Here is why I believe football is not too dangerous to be played in high school. We could have doctors and trainers on the field who understand the
Injury. Improving helmet technology is a good place to start. coaches could to do a better job of making sure any player with a head injury stays off the field long enough. But with proper coaching, conditioning, equipment, and limitations on contact, football can be