Having Health problems while your body is still developing can stung the growth process infinity. Not only that will affect your growth but can cause CTE. Studies shows that patients suffering from concussions and other problems. CTE ¨is a head- trauma – induced disease linked to depression.¨ (¨Hard Knocks¨ Alan Schwarz). Some athletes are misdiagnosed with this disease and have been life – ending. Stated in ¨Hard-Knocks¨ - Alan Schwarz explained that a college junior took his own life with this disease. …show more content…
In the article, "How Dangerous is High School Football" the author expressed the chance of season ending injuries increasing during their high school career. The author did a study at nationwide children hospital that explained how the injury rate can decrease with proper exercises and training. "Conditioning may help reduce the risk of injury." This statement shows that having more time to condition helps improve yourself. Athletes struggles with health problems its up to them to train without getting seriously