With the advancement in technology and computer science, the world is being globalised. We can access influx of information in a few seconds, chat with our family and friends far away at any moment with the help of technology. Obviously, the wave of this technology has greatly affected the teaching and learning process till now and will do wonders in the future as well. Just two decades ago, we didn't have devices like iPods, iPads and tablet PCs. These new devices have revolutionized our generation. Various useful softwares like upgraded CAD (Computer Aided Design), computer languages, animation softwares and other new tools signal the advent of new and amazing future, more advanced than the present.
In today's context the growing popularity of liberal arts education indicates that this type of education will be adopted worldwide replacing the traditional system of selecting a major for a degree and knowing stuffs related to the particular major. The special feature of liberal arts education is that it imparts knowledge on a diverse range of subjects such as science, history, business, management, education, psychology, languages, vocational training, and etcetera. Liberal arts education creates a jack of all trades, a well-rounded individual with the knowledge on everything, on successful living. The growing importance of Liberal arts is also because many high school graduates are undecided about their majors and their aim in life. Liberal arts education gives an insight to make rational judgments.
Moreover, one of the great transformations the higher education will experience will be the online education system. This is evident from the growing dependence on web and internet in the process of teaching and learning. Programs like distance learning and internet classes will take over the traditional classroom style. Video-conferencing will be used instead of synchronous communication. Programs like distance learning