Shannon Griffin
PSY 202
Julie Engeland
January 17, 2011
Outline What was your family like? A. My Oh My Mom B. Grandma and Grandpa
C. 100 Acres…. One Family
II. What was your educational and athletic experience? A. Newaygo High School B. Western Michigan University
IV. Do you have your own family? A. Paris, Kendall and Jade B. Husband, ex-husband C. Friends without borders
III. What jobs have you endured? A. Cheese and butter sandwiches B. Automotive, Automotive, Automotive V. What are your personal, academic and professional goals? A. Stay alive B. Ashford C. Kzoo LEADERS
Hindsight is 20/20
The knowledge that I have today would have been very useful in my past choices and decisions. I am, by no means, saying that I would change everything, as a few of the questionable decisions have defined me. I had tools in my toolbox; I just used a hammer, instead of maybe a screwdriver or wrench. I will explain how key individuals and experiences have contributed to my outlook on adult learning and that these same influences still are at work nudging me along into my future plans and goals. My first memories of my mother were when I was about five years old. My twin brothers were only a couple of months old. We lived in an upstairs apartment across from the bank where my mom worked. I often wanted to sleep with my mom as I kept seeing an alligator at the foot of my bed. She never wanted me to, but when she fell asleep, I would sneak in. I would lie there and my alligator would appear on the dresser. I would clap and mouth how nice he was. I would do this until I fell asleep.
My mom isn’t afraid of anything that I know of, and really neither am I. I wonder if by making friends were her alligator, it helped perpetuate her fearlessness. Two bad marriages and being a single mother lead my other to being in the extreme independence range. She
References: Witt, G.A., & Mossler R.A. (2010). Adult development and life assessment. Retrieved from McAdams, D.P. (2005). Redemptive Self: Stories Americans Live By. Retrieved from