Name: Shaila Sharmin
ID: 1221771
Course ID: MUS 101
Course Instractor: Nazir Ahmed
Section: 01
Date: 14.03.2013
Music is very important part for a human being. It refresh humans mind. After hard working all day people want to be relax. For such kind of relaxation music is the best way. Now I want to tell you about music and why it is important to study music; such as how music establish, where from it, why music becomes very popular to people over the world and what types of instruments are need to play a beautiful music and also the types of music.
Music is found in every known culture, past and present. Varing widely between times and places since all people of the world, including the most isolated tribal groups have a form of music.
Dictionaries and encyclopedias define music as "an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner." It is also defined as "any pleasing and harmonious sound" and "the sounds produced by singers or musical instruments."
Early Music: The history of music is very interesting. At first Bengali language is come from kolmunda & showtal. Bangle means Shanskrit or Indo European language. Bengali music was found in early period of time 9 to 18th century A.D. Then it spread out over the world.
Language--------Charya Geeti—Composer -Musical tone---Geeta Govinda---Expression & its Aesthetics -Expression ----Perception -Religion
Charya song is the earliest song in Bengle. Shidha Charya was the first Bangla music composed by a Buddist. Joy dev was the founder of Geeta Govinda. Geeta Govinda is the dhrupod type melody. It has different types of expressions. Such as rag-ragini. Joydev divided 24 songs in 12 kantos. After Geeta Govinda Bodu Chandidas was founded by Sree krisno kirton. Pandit Hara Prasad sastre invented more than 49 to 50 composer,they called liquipa.