Influences on the Constitution Table
Write one or two paragraphs in each section. Include citations for your sources.
|Documents |Summary |What was its influence on the Constitution? |
|Magna Carta |The Magna Carta was rights which were part of the English law. |The influence of the Magna Carta can be found in the Bill of Rights. According to |
| |The Magna Carta is Latin for “Great Charter”. The purpose for |“The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration” (n.d.) “During the American |
| |the Magna Carta was to protect rights already wrote. These |Revolution, Magna Carta served to inspire and justify action in liberty’s defense. |
| |rights included the basic right of anyone convicted of a crime |The colonists believed they were entitled to the same rights as Englishmen, rights |
| |to a jury trial; protection of private property; reasonable |guaranteed in Magna Carta. They embedded those rights into the laws of their states |
| |limits on taxes and a degree of guaranteed religious freedom. |and later into the Constitution and Bill of Rights” (The Magna Carta). It was |
| |It is believed that the Magna Carta was created because King |because of King John that the Magna Carta was written; on the account that he was |
| |John, who became king in 1199, was using his power in a cruel |using his power for evil and unfairness.
References: A&E Televison Networks, LLC. (1996-2012). Benjamin Franklin. Retrieved from http://Benjamin Franklin. (1996-2012). Retrieved from A&E Televison Networks, LLC A&E Televison Networks, LLC . (1996-2012). Patrick Henry. Retrieved from A&E Television Network, LLC (2002-2013). Mayflower Compact- The common anchor. Retrieved from The U.S The Library of Congress . (2012). Retrieved from A&E Television Networks, LLC A&E Television Networks, LLC. (1996-2012). John Locke. Retrieved from Tuckness, Alex, "Locke 's Political Philosophy", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2012 Edition), Edward N (1995-2010 ). Political Philosophers. Retrieved from University of Phoenix Reagan, R. (1987). Proclamation 5676 -- Northwest Ordinance Bicentennial Day, 1987. Retrieved from Declaration of Independence influence on the Constitution (2013). Retrieved from The Independent Institute