Local events
• Attend a local Hispanic Heritage Month event as an
organization or simply to observe
• Have a presence at HHM event in the form of a sponsorship, booth, speaker, awards, etc.
• Host an open house at the credit union or in partnership with a collaborator such as a non-profit
• Articles in reference to the month long event and how it relates to the credit union
• Highlight Hispanic and non-Hispanic employees and board members with either a tie, relationship or affinity for Hispanic culture
• Offer a list of local Hispanic Heritage Month events for staff to consider attending on their own time such as local festivals
• Include a list of volunteer opportunities with Hispanic organizations or Hispanic-serving organizations
• Create a list of movies or documentaries related to Hispanic culture
• Provide bilingual handouts about Hispanic Heritage Month along with a piece of Latin American candy/treat
Social media
• Highlight bilingual and bicultural staff members on social media platforms
• Share success stories from Hispanic members and how the credit union made a difference
• Increase product visibility and marketing
• Advertise member referral program
• Salsa making contests
• Host a Hispanic ethnic food truck onsite
• Potluck
Documentaries and Movie Recommendations
• PBS Latino Americans
• Netflix o Instructions Not Included o Libertador (The Liberator) o La Lengua de la Mariposas (Butterflies’ Tongue) o Frida o La Misma Luna (Under the Same Moon) o Como Agua para Chocolate (Like Water for Chocolate)