Visiting Historians in Far Away Lands
Why is history important? It is both necessary and helpful to the study the context of prior history because it reveals who we are in relation to other people, cultures, and countries. History influences the way people can process information viewed from other races, and cultures, and even speak, “The old saying is, if we don’t know where we came from then we don’t know where we are going.” By studying history we can take what others’ have done and build on it.
There were many situations and events in history that led to wars, freedom of religion, civil unrest, unfair trade, terrorism, and independence. By examining experiences, troubles, and triumphs of our ancestors, we can avoid failure and be more successful than our ancestors hopefully. Learning from our past ancestors mistakes is a huge factor in why people succeed today. Military leaders have studied their enemy’s war tactics and maneuvers in many past wars. Using the enemy’s past actions, US military leaders could anticipate their moves and predict the outcome of the most likely courses of action. History is a good guide to track many different trends. So, understanding what history means is can be very useful in explaining why it is important to study and learn from. When studying history the best resources that will be the most helpful to the student of history are Search engines on the internet. Search engines are helpful when researching historical facts. Google and Yahoo provide search suggestions if help is needed forming questions. Google Scholar provides examples of actual accurate articles, books, and journals. History is “a chronological record of significant events (As affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes; events that form the subject matter of a history or events of the past (Miriam-Webster, 2011) For the purpose of this assignment, history is events of the
Bibliography: (2011). Merriam-Webster 's Intermediate Dictonary. Merriam-Webster,Incorporated. (2010). In G. Donelson Moss, Vietnam:An American Ordeal. Pearson Education Inc., Sixth Edition. Harbeson, K. (n.d.). National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers. Retrieved September 2012, from Quotations on the Importance of History and Historic Preservation: McNeill, W. (1985). American Historial Association. Retrieved September 2012, from Why Study History?: