Spring 2013
Exam 2013
Plymouth- originally headed toward Virginia but strayed off course of and made it to Cape Cod belonged to radical sect of Puritans called the separatist. Started to make their own congregation in England. King James hanged the separatist leaders and many fled to Holland and eventually to America. Taught how to grow corn and catch fish by the Indians. No charter from the English. Own form of government in 1620 not first English colony.
Indentured servants- came from England to get higher wages in the new world. Due to Tobacco crop more indentured servants were brought to work during 17th century during the 18th century fewer indentured servants more slaves. Mainly protestant and helped in the Bacon rebellion.
Columbian exchange-The term is used to describe the enormous widespread exchange of plants, animals, foods, human populations (including slaves), communicable diseases, and ideas between the Eastern and Western hemispheres that occurred after 1492. Many new and different goods were exchanged between the two hemispheres of the Earth, and it began a new revolution in the Americas and in Europe. In 1492, Christopher Columbus' first voyage launched an era of large-scale contact between the Old and the New World that resulted in this ecological revolution: hence the name "Columbian" Exchange.
The Columbian Exchange greatly affected almost every society on earth, bringing destructive diseases that depopulated many cultures, and also circulating a wide variety of new crops and livestock that, in the long term, increased rather than diminished the world human population. Maize and potatoes became very important crops in Eurasia by the 1700s. Peanuts and manioc flourished in tropical Southeast Asian and West African soils that otherwise would not produce large yields or support large populations...
John Smith-1608 takes over Jamestown wanted to take over Indians. Good leadership imposed that everything should work unless they