In 1994, Ms. Jocelyn D. Castro and Mr. Javier D. Taipan General Services. Its office is located in Shaw Blvd. Mandaluyong City.
It was established 1996 to be duly authorized by the government to engage in the business of contracting, enlisting, and recruting of professionals, skilled and unskilled personnel and other types of services relative to placement or employment of workers.
They have been responsible for the placement of factory workers, office personnel, promo girls and merchandiser of well known companies like Kawsek Inc. , Atlas Metal Products and Atlas Home World.
The method will be used in this research is software development process. It is a structure imposed on the development of a software product. Similar terms include software life cycle and software process. It is often considered a subset of systems development life cycle. There are several models for such processes, each describing approaches to a variety of tasks or activities that take place during the process. Some people consider a life-cycle model a more general term and a software development process a more specific term. For example, there are many specific software development processes that 'fit' the spiral life-cycle model.
There are three software development activities which are planning , Implementation, testing and documenting and Deployment and maintenance. In planning there is an objective of each and every activity, where we want to discover things that belong to the project. In implementation this is the part of the process where software engineers actually program the code for the project. In testing this is the integral and important phase of the software development process. This part of the process ensures that defects are recognized as soon as possible. In documenting the internal design of software for the purpose of future maintenance and enhancement is done throughout development. In deployment its starts directly after