The Systems Development Life Cycle Paper
By using different type of project management tools you can determined which tools and requirement that will be needed for the project. Project management has many tools available to help with managing projects. The two that are talked about in the chapter are these; Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and Gantt charts, they help managers schedule and monitor the activities involved in large projects, such as implementation of a large-scale information system. There are also software solutions that may be used for project management.
“With PERT, a project leader first prepares a list of systems implementation activities, identifies the prerequisite activities that must be completed before others can start, and estimates the amount of time required to complete each activity. Top managers may not be interested in PERT analyses, but they are usually very concerned about the time required to finish the entire project. The project leader can estimate this completion time by examining the various paths in the PERT network. Because
PERT diagrams in actual practice are so large (often covering entire walls), project leaders normally use a computer to identify the longest paths through such networks. Within a PERT diagram, the longest path to project completion is called the critical path, which is also the shortest completion time of the entire project.” (p. 435)
“Gantt charts are useful for both scheduling and tracking the activities of systems implementation projects because actual progress can be indicated directly on the Gantt chart and contrasted with the planned progress. Gantt charts are straightforward, easy to understand, and can be used with PERT to compare