Slavery, a condition in which an individual is forced to commit exhausting labor, including restricted freedom. Prostitution can be seen as modern slavery in the 21st century. The Atlantic Slave trade affected many of the African people, also including others such as; Congo/Angola, Gold Coast, Slave Coast Benin to Calabar, and Madagascar which can be found in the east of Africa. In today’s society, slavery still exists but has changed in many ways. It has evolved to fit a more, “modern form”, one that doesn't cause many people to worry. It has evolved in such a way where people will chose to believe that it doesn't exist.
Slavery has existed for many years. Exclusively in the American Tribes …show more content…
According to Changemaker, “12.3 million people live in modern day slavery today”. Changemaker gives a statistic of the amount of people, who experience slavery in today's modern society, this is a number that is extremely high, considering all the time that has passed since slaves were freed. Slavery can come in many forms, Changemaker gives several examples of slavery that are still occurring today. “Slavery appears in the form of debt bondage, forced labor conditions with little or no pay, compelled enlistment in state or rebel military groups, or commercial sex acts against the victim’s will.” (Changemakers, Slavery in the 21st Century -- and in the United States, November 17, 2016). Changemaker gives a thorough explanation of what slavery can look like in our world …show more content…
Human trafficking has also become the 21st century version of slavery. “In the US, the numbers of people in slavery are largely under-reported and unknown, but there are an estimated 100,000 – 300,000 children alone that are sex trafficking victims in the US.” (Changemakers, Slavery in the 21st Century -- and in the United States, November 30, 2016). This is important because it shows just how many children alone, no adults, are being used as some sort of slave. This number would be much higher if adults were included. Children are being used as sex slaves, which is also a form of dehumanization. It shows how this is important because this number is for the US only. Which is even more important because it shows what's happening in our country and many people don't even know