Assignment 1.2: Stakeholder List
|Student Name | |
Ten Most Important Stakeholders
|Describe type or specific organization you are considering: |
| | | |
|Stakeholder Group/Features |Stakeholders’ Needs, …show more content…
Expectations, Interests |Health Care Organization’s Expectations of This Group |
|Groups/Features of people |What are their interests, or why they care about what the organization |Why does the organization care about this group?
| |does? | |
|Doctors |Income |Source of patients (customers) admitted to hospital |
| |Status |You’ll add more to this list. |
| |You should add others to this list. | |
|Owner of hospital. |Source of revenue, esteem, and pride. |Owner’s desire to have and run a business is the reason the hospital
|Administrator of hospital. |Performance of hospital is directly related to effectiveness of |If one does well so shall the other. |
| |administrator. | |
|Employees. |Employment, desire to work within professional field, esteem, and pride. |The employees are the motor within the machine. Their time and labor |
| | |enable the hospital to function. |
|Vendors. |The hospital is a customer and provides a market for the vendor to |The vendor provides the hospital with merchandise necessary to the daily |
| |sell/lease it’s merchandise. |functioning of the facility. |
|Universities. |Outlet for students to experience real life scenarios, provides a venue for|Esteem, good corporate neighbor, opportunity to establish rapport with |
| |research and development, and allows the university to partner with a |possible future employees and stakeholders. |
| |health care provider. | |
|Funding sources. |Investment in the future and potential of return on investment, payment of |They get to keep the lights on and the warm water flowing. |
| |services rendered | |
|Government. |Source of commerce, tax revenue, observance of regulatory standards, and |Held to a standard of conduct, as an engine for commerce the hospital may |
| |assessment of legislative policies in action. |influence policy and regulatory standards. |
|Public Health Authority |Maintaining and evaluating standards of practice and conduct. |Held to a standard of conduct. |
|Politicians. |Esteem and pride from affiliation with what is viewed as center of healing |Influence upon policy, source of funding, an active role within the |
| |and wellness. |government. |
|Customers. |Center of healing and wellness. |The reason for existence. Source of revenue. |