Psychiatric Evaluations – Ramona reported that psychiatric evaluations are looking much better. However, there is an amendment…
In week two, I had my sister and a friend take the assessments that I completed on myself last week. I enjoyed comparing the results that we all came up with. Each one of us was strong in certain areas and weaker in others. This is why it is important at a job to perform such assessments to help a manager see which employees can work together to complement each other and therefore being more productive.…
do you have the training and expertise to administer the test as well as interpret the results?…
1) Results from the Holland Code interest inventory will be included in his file and the evaluation summary. Results from the Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory will be included in his file and the evaluation summary.…
After finishing the career building activities and in-class discussion, I have a much better look of my career interests, work preference, and style of thinking. The exercise showed me to locate many personal short-comings that would have kept coming up unfixed.…
Clinical psychology is a broad ranged profession but the main focus is based on assessment, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders. Two interviews were obtained so that a comparison can be made between a clinical psychologist and a clinical therapist and the roles both professionals play in mental health. Some special areas are child, adult mental health, substance abuse, and abnormal emotional disturbances (Cherry, 2013). Therapists are just as important in the treatment of clients. The role in which a therapist plays is counseling one person or a group mostly in psychological or emotional issue. A clinical therapist uses tools to obtain information, such as a questionnaire. It is used to…
While many therapists use Projective tests as icebreakers to encourage clients to open up and discuss issues, they have some weaknesses and limitations. Based on the examiner’s attitude or the test setting, it can heavily influence the client’s answers and since the scoring is fairly subjective, the interpretation of answers can and may vary from one examiner to the next. Furthermore, the validity of projective tests is up to question. Validity refers to whether or not a test is measuring what it's supposed to…
Confidentiality involves protecting the information collected from the individual tested from a third person party (Anastasi, & Urbina, 1997). The American Psychological Association (2010) states that it is up to the psychologist to maintain the security of all the test data and materials in order to adhere to the law, contract, and code of ethics. Furthermore, they report that test data can only be given to individuals mentioned on the client/patient release. In the event no release has been signed, data collected can only be released by law or court order (American Psychological Association, 2010). Failure to maintain confidentiality can result in trust lost between the psychologist and the individual being tested, a possible lawsuit, and a negative…
Ethics are an essential part of administering psychological tests and it is necessary that all test users follow the ethical guidelines for assessment when using any type of psychological test. Psychological tests are an important tool in terms of many professions in an array of settings such as in clinical psychology, education, and even business. However, misuse of psychological test by the administrators is a constant and troubling issue that has the potential to harm the individuals who are taking the test and even society as a whole. For test takers, the misuse of a psychological test could result in…
Whiston, S (2013). Principles and applications of assessment in counseling. (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.…
American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA). (2010). 2010 AMHCA code of ethics [White Paper]. Retrieved from…
Even though there was a lot of good advice to be taken out of watching the videos, two topics really stood out from the rest; diagnosing and assessing, and self-care. As counselors we are privileged to diagnose and assess our clients and it is vitally important to diagnose correctly because that diagnosis may follow the client for the rest of his/her life. Diagnoses must be done with great sensitivity and care. We must also be competent in diagnosing a client and never assume because we are dealing with someone's quality of life. Dr. Thomas (counseling assessment, diagnoses, and treatment planning presentation) made a valid point in regards to performing a diagnostic interview. That by doing so will help the counselor determine exactly what it is they are going to be dealing with beforehand. He also emphasized the importance of self-care. As Christian counselors we must stay in a Christ-centered place through self-care. If we do not stay nourished, we will wear ourselves out. Counselors need to pay attention to themselves to acknowledge any stress or burnout. An article published by Counseling Today put it simply, "most counselors are familiar with self-care — even preaching the concept religiously to clients — many find it a challenge to put the concept into practice in their own lives" (Counseling Today). By providing ourselves the self-care we need, will allow us to maintain professional effectiveness.…
Licensed mental health counselors have many ethical and legal issues dealing with interacting with clients in a way that leaves them in a better place. It is crucial that counselors act within the boundaries that are set by state laws as well the code of ethics from the American Counseling association. There are issues of confidentiality, understanding what's in the client's best interest, the rights of the client, and using the techniques to best assess the client. It is also important to maintain a professional relationship with clients.…
The life of a counselor is spent by talking with and listening to people. The main point of the counselors’ job is to interact with their patients and advise them on personal, family, educational, mental health and career problems they might be experiencing. Generally, counselors specialize in a specific field, such as; school counselors; rehabilitation counselors; mental health counselors; substance and behavioral disorder counselors; and marriage and family counselors. One important thing a counselor needs to have is active listening skills. In reviewing my practice counseling interviews, and the written feedback I received from my colleagues I was able to see my strengths and weaknesses. Behavioral research studies done over the past 40 years have isolated three key characteristics of feedback. They are classified as specificity, empathy, and inquiry. These three elements represent key feedback skills so trainers can teach and assess effectively. (Lawrence, 1995).…
The questions in an interest inventory ask about your likes and dislikes regarding various activities. The premise of this self assessment tool is that people who share similar interests will also enjoy the same type of work. Examples of interests are reading, running, playing golf, and knitting.…