Bruce Alan Williams Student ID# 25941744 Theology 104 Summer 2013 I have chosen as my two topics: The Holy Spirit and The Gifts of the Spirit. These are defined as a) The third person in the Holy Trinity. b) A supernatural force and power that acts on behalf of the Father and Son and also the believer. c) Came to bring in the Grace dispensation or the church age between the day of Pentecost and the rapture of the church from the earth. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are the workings and functions within the body of Christ for the purpose of edifying and admonitions to the church. The Holy Spirit is and has been dear to my heart as I have become a member of the body of Christ. I wish …show more content…
The apostle Paul spoke to the church at Corinth about these gifts in 1 Corinthians : 12. After the believer has been baptized by Christ into the Holy Spirit, then he should began to seek for the gifts of the spirit. These are important because they (1 help to keep the believer very close to the cross of Christ. (2 Help to edify the believers in the body of Christ. (3 allow the Holy Spirit to have access to their life and use them for the Glory of God. The nine gifts are as follows: (1 Word of knowledge, (2 special faith, (3 word of wisdom, (4 gifts of healing, (5 workings of miracles, (6 prophecy, (7 discerning of spirits, (8 different kinds of tongues, (9 interpreting of tongues. 1 Corinthians 12:11 states “ But one and the same spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He …show more content…
They should be evenly dispersed and only used when the spirit moves among the Body. I have been blessed to see and experience some of these gifts myself and I do totally agree that they are needed more today than any time before. We are headed into the last of the last days and we need to be connected to God to be able to hold on strong to the anchor (Jesus) and find stability in Christ by and through the Holy Spirit and the Gifts He brings to us for that very purpose. Amen I would like to challenge each one of my readers to do as the Bible says to “taste and see that the Lord is good”. To go for the extra mile in your own walk the Lord and seek beyond the boundaries which might have been your usual stopping point with God. Allow the Holy Spirit to take you to a high and most holy place prepared for you, if you only