The story revolves around the main characters Liza and Mat Don. Mat Don is a wise and decisive elder in a kampong on the edge of the rubber estate owned by Mr. Edwards. Most of the villagers work as tappers and weeders including Liza who is rubber tapper. Liza is Mat Don’s only daughter and she has a son named Arnie who is severely ill because of unknown cause. Mat Don’s takes care of Arnie at home. Mat Don recalls incident that happened 5 years ago when he and his late wife Aminah pleads to Liza not to abort her extramarital fetus. Liza was very secretive about the father of her baby and only revealed that he is a foreigner who had gone back to his own country without knowing that he had fathered a child.
Mr. Edwards lives in the big house on top of the hill with his white wife whom he had married 4 years ago while studying in US. As Liza walks back home while thinking of her sick son, she meets Mr. Edwards behind of the big house. He gives her a sum of money for the medical expenses for Arnie. Mr. John Muthu, estate conductor who watches the scene curiously finally finds out that there was nothing secretive between both of them. After that scene, Mr. John Muthu goes to the storehouse and is shocked to discover that the chemical canister somehow has rolled down to the lake. He then realizes that it was the cause for the death of the pets recently and also of Arnie’s sickness. He runs to inform Mr. Edwards about this. Then both of them hurry to Liza’s house and find out that Arnie is no longer alive.
As months passes by, Liza regains her happiness. Mat Don, who is still in sorrow, doubts that the presence of a special person may be the reason for Liza’s unexplainable changes. This is proven when he sees Liza and Mr. Edwards kissing like lovers. Mat Don discovers that Mr. Edwards is the foreigner who had fathered Arnie after looking at the hidden photos of Liza and Mr. Edwards in Liza’s cupboard. Through Mr. John Muthu, Mat Don also finds out that