Several studies have proven that homework, in fact, does improve the stability of the student in school; this strengthens the statement that time spent completing homework is time well spent. Rather than giving students another hour of leisure time, doing homework entitles the student to an hour of enriched education; this can greatly benefit the student, as consistently finishing homework will reap great rewards such as a favourable test score or report card. Why are we posing such a ludicrous question about the possible abolishment of homework if doing homework is what it takes to succeed in school? It is a common emotion to students regarding the distaste of homework, but legions of teachers know better because they recognize the importance of homework in the success of students in school and outside of school.
Not only does homework accomplishment benefit the student, it also benefits the teacher as well. Teachers receive the opportunity to see at what stage the student is by assigning homework. Furthermore, the teacher can identify the weaknesses of the student so they can ameliorate their study habits in hopes of pulling their grades up. On the other hand, if teachers were to abandon the idea of homework altogether, they would have to base the majority of the student's mark on tests alone. However, students fare much better in the homework column than the test column; otherwise, their marks would be lower than they currently are. Homework is not set out only to serve students, it is also aimed to help teachers gain insight on their student's progress.
Moreover, the meaning and goal of homework is profitable towards the students. It allows students who missed the day's lesson to catch up with the rest of their classmates. Likewise, homework reinforces the new concepts taught that day and helps the student develop a deeper understanding of what they have learned. On the contrary, if teachers were to assign no homework daily, then the new ideas they have brought forth will fall on deaf ears and the students are the ones who lose out on the wondrous opportunity of learning something new. Are you ready to give up an opportunity where new notions are introduced and planted firmly within your mind"
It is incredulous to suggest that homework should be abolished; students greatly benefit from homework as it can possibly raise their grades, teachers have the opportunity to plot student's next steps to improve and new ideas and concepts are engraved inside your mind forever. Although many may hate the mention of homework, no one can deny the fact that homework's benefits overshadow its cons. To put it succinctly, homework should not be abolished!