Students must have less homework because it is bad for their health and also all schools should know what it brings all this to the students and do something about it. Homework is no more what was it in a years before, …show more content…
Also parents want their kids to participate in after school activities so having a great amount of homework don't permit to the students to have them but also to having problems with them when the idea of homework if to ensure the performance of the students at school.
But the most important thing about homework is the stress involved. If the students have a lot of homework they may suffer of stress. Stress is the natural response of the organism to the different situations that we live very day and that demand answers from us, for which, the body and the mind are activated, generating a healthy alert tension. One of this different situations is the homework we have for school. It is verified that when students spend more time doing homework students are getting lower scores. Mostly of the students who are having stress are those who attend high school; during high school the amount of homework increase so the students spend more time on it. Students who spend too much time on homework experience more stress, physical health problems, a lack of balance and even alienation from society. In Clifton B. Parker article's, "Stamford Research Shows Pitfalls of Homework", about a 56 percent of students says that homework is a primary source of stress; they have reductions …show more content…
Depression is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. Depression is one of the most common mental disorder during adolescence in United States, and is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, environmental, and physiology factors. When the students have a lot of duty in school they get stressed and maybe get low scores on school: and getting lower scores during school might be the first noticeable sign of depression. Having depression you have difficulty concentrating and can lead to poor work completion and performance on exams and assignments. Also it is more difficulty to planning, organizing, and executing tasks which leads to missing deadlines and not completing papers as assigned. Also you suffer of hypersensitive which means that you can easily hurt feelings, crying, get anger at school which leads to unhealthy social interactions among teachers and peers, and even suspension and expulsion from school.
Girls are more likely to show sings of depression than boys and also schools can be a stressful places for student who are not