1a. Thesis: The present system must be revised for maximum effectiveness by changing the perspective people have on the honor code, recognizing that it should not be dependent on the same rules and repercussions already placed and realizing that the overall efficiency of the honor system is determined by the students.
2. Body Paragraph 1:
2a. Topic Sentence: The honor code contains more importance than what the modern leaders and students perceive it as.
2b. Further Explanation: Throughout many schools, the honor code is known as a set of rules one must follow to gain and maintain honorable behavior. …show more content…
If one does not abide by the code, they are faced with many consequences for their actions. This system should be interpreted as integrity one can build from, not a common set of rules that a student is required to obey.
Every time a student begins a benchmark on campus they must sign an honor code statement, which indicates that in the event of a student is caught cheating, he or she will be penalized. These punishments should not be necessary because at its core the honor code is for the students benefit. Students do not require a document that relays the punishments in order to achieve an honorable environment.
3. Body Paragraph 2:
Topic Sentence: The honor code is necessary to be the foundation of the students integrity instead of consequences.
3b. Honor codes that rely on mere punishments are ineffective in the sense that there are a general population of students are apathetic towards these repercussions. The honor code would be effective when not seen as a list of consequential boundaries.
3c. Source B: “...the revision to to eliminate all formal penalties in the honor code [is] a huge step in gaining student approval.”
3d. Connection between source: Through the elimination of repercussions, this decision prompts students to build their own individual integrity. As a result, those who have created their own moral honor set the standards for others resulting in a unified school.
4. Body Paragraph …show more content…
4a. Topic Sentence: The effectiveness of the honor code is not determined by the system itself but by the students.
4b. Further Explanation: The honor code is not supposed to fit the majority of the students it is only supposed to set an example for all of the students. The students are the ones who can determine whether they want to follow the standards the school has in place. The rules of the school should be the ones that give restrictions but the standards should be easy to follow if the students have good morals. This is the way to build up a student’s character rather than just their knowledge.
4c..Source B: “In order to understand the purpose of an honor code, the real question was what type of environment we wanted to live in.”
Connection between the source: The students need to recognize that the honor code is not there just to be another set of rules to follow but to insure that the students who wish to live up to standards should respect these expectations.
4e. Source C: “Student expectations about the integrity of their classmates can determine whether their college culture reinforces honesty.”
4f. Connection between the source: This emphasizes our view on how the honor code should be seen as a virtue rather than just rules and regulations but a way to maintain good character and morals. It should be common sense for the students to live up to these expectations.
4g. Personal Source: The expectations within classrooms have always been there and just along with that the people who do not follow them have always been there . However, the expectations of the classroom is not the failure. The rule breakers are. Just like how you can choose to turn an assignment in or not. It is expected but usually the only penalty that falls is on the student’s grades rather than disciplinary
4h. Closing Sentence for Paragraph 2: Essentially, the standard of the students should not be to fit the culture of the students but to allow there to be a depiction of the morals that each student possesses.
5. Conclusion
5c. Restatement of thesis: Students are the decisive factor for the presence of integrity and honor in a school environment and as a result, they need to be influenced to keep these concepts integrated. They should not feel pressured to build integrity through consequences and must comprehend that there is a difference between honor codes and simple rules.
5b. Concluding sentence of the essay: Honor codes are created by people, who have previously attended educational facilities enabling themselves with experience to construct an accurate honor system; however, in modern times, students have changed and as a result revisions are essential for future academic success.