Technical High School System
Collision Repair and Refinishing
Grades 9-12
Collision Repair and Refinishing Philosophy
The Collision Repair and Refinishing course of studies is designed to create an interest in the industry and to develop entry-level skills within the Collision Repair and Refinishing trade.
The Collision Repair and Refinishing course provides an explanation of the theory behind a successful vehicle repair. It also provides information on the latest collision repair tools, equipment and techniques.
Finally, it provides the foundation needed to prepare for the ASE and I-CAR certification exams and offers insight into what it takes to become a successful, well rounded collision repair technician and directs the technician to become a life-long learner.
Collision Repair and Refinishing Goals
The Collision Repair and Refinishing Program will create an awareness of opportunities within the vast trade areas that comprise the Collision Repair and Refinishing Industry. The program incorporates new developments and practices related to the Collision Repair and Refinishing Program
Program Goals
As a result of education in the Collision Repair and Refinishing Program grades 9-12 students will:
1. Identify and demonstrate general safety rules.
2. Explain proper use and location of Material Safety Data Sheets
3. Demonstrate proper chemical safety, i.e. chemical disposal techniques
4. Identify the proper use of fire protection equipment
5. Demonstrate proper use of protective clothing and equipment
6. Demonstrate safe use and maintenance of general hand tools
7. Demonstrate safe use and maintenance of electric and pneumatic hand tools and hydraulic equipment
8. Identify and demonstrate the procedure to do sheet metal repair, rough and finish
9. Demonstrate proper repair of plastic parts