
Horrible Events Of The Holocaust: Kristallnacht

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Horrible Events Of The Holocaust: Kristallnacht
World War II is one of the wars most people have knowledge of. While World War II had just started; the Holocaust had already been happening. The Holocaust was a massacre of the Jewish people that lived in the Eastern Countries. Kristallnacht was terrible event that happen on November 9 and 10. A lot of Jewish homes and business were destroyed.
In 1933 Hitler came into power. He had a plan to expand Germany’s rule and to obliterate the Jews (Kristallnacht Night of Broken Glass). Herschel Grynszpan shot official Ernst Vom Rath, Because he was distressed about over his family’s deportation. This caused riots in Germany, Austria, and the Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. Violent mobs destroyed hundreds of synagogues and buried Jewish artifacts
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Police officers and firefighters did not do anything to stop the mobs, because they were ordered not to interfere by the Gestapo headquarters. Approximately 7,500 of Jewish-homes, businesses, and schools were demolished. About ninety-one Jews were killed. Thirty thousand Jewish men were captured and put in concentration camps (Kristallnacht: Kristallnacht). Men had their heads shaved before they were sent to the concentration camps (Louis Weber 145).In Ober Ramstadt, local citizens observed as the synagogue was demolished by fire. The local firefighters tried to prohibit the fire form spreading to the other homes (Morning Atfter Kristallancht). The Nazis had planed for the attacks to happen under the cover of darkness (Kristallnacht Perspective). Security agencies were instructed to burn synagogues if there were no German lives or property in danger (Loius Weber …show more content…
They were held responsible legally and financially for the damages by the pogrom (Kristallnacht). The Nazis created the term “Kristallnacht” or “Crystal Night” to mock the Jews on that black November night (Kristallnacht: Background & Overview). The Nazis call this night “The Night of Broken Glass,” because there was thousand of shattered windows were on the streets (Kristallnacht: Kristallnacht) Curfews for the Jews were between 9:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. in the summer. In the winter it was 8:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. The Jews had their drivers licenses suspended. Jewish people could not own a radio either. They also had to hand over all precious metals. Jews were separated from the German towns. The Jews could not nor have a fireman. If they did own a firearm then they had to hand it over to the police immedentity (Kristallnacht: Background & Overview). Thirty thousand Jews were arrested for the crime of Jewish the morning after. They were sent to concentration camps. Some of the Jewish women were arrested and taken to local jails also. After that night businesses could not reopen unless they were run by non-Jewish people. Jews who did not get sent to concentration camps had curfews. The Jews could not only leave their homes for limiting hours. Jewish children and teenagers could be seen in public playgrounds, swimming pools, or museums. They were also kicked out of public schools. Many tried to leave, but some

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