. (Luce, Bagley) Leaving the safety of the Carver’s and go out into a harsh world on his own as a young boy took courage and a strong desire to learn. This would be one of many schools that the young Carver would attend. This trend carried over into George’s College Years. He applied to a college and upon his arrival they saw the color of his skin and turned him away. (Bagley, Mary) Even though George was a free man, he used the talent he was blessed with to help other poor black men. Once slaves were set free they did not have any land, or job. This left many of them very poor and struggling to survive. What good was it to be considered a free man if you could not have many of the rights that were bestowed on the white man, as if he earned it simply for the fact that he was born white? Men were still not created equal due to skin color. The first use of “racist” as an adjective in the English language came into the picture in …show more content…
Herschel was the son of a family that was Jewish, Hitler sent them away to Poland where they lived in a make shift camp. This fueled an anger against the German’s. He set out to kill the German Ambassador to France. When he couldn’t find him, he set his target on the third official down, Secretary Ernst Vom Rath, who died just days after the altercation. Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s Chief of Propaganda used the assignation as a tool to convey the message that in essence “Every Jew wanted to harm the Reich and had to be dealt with in a harsh manner.” The Nazis were informed not to organize attacks but they were told not to discourage them. Angry hordes of people attacked anything that had to do with Jews in the dead of the night on November 9th and 10th 1938. Businesses were destroyed, Synagogues burned, and there was no safe haven as they were even attacked in their homes and on the roads in the city. After all the death and destruction was over and all of the broken glass lay upon the blood soaked streets. The Chief of Propaganda declared to the officials in Munich that the sole responsibility for the event deemed “Kristallnacht”,” the Night of Broken